Mark Smith – Syncing user data across multiple devices

Mark Smith – Submitting to the App Store

App Developer

Mark Smith

Mark has more than 25 years experience developing applications for industry and academia,
managing large government data warehouses, and designing grant and contract funded health
research. He recently completed an app which was successfully submitted to the App Store
and would like to thank everyone in the Livecode community that helped make that possible.

Syncing user data across multiple devices: a straightforward approach.

I’ll demo this in real-time using two hand-held devices and provide an overview of a very simple approach. Then I’ll briefly walk through the program logic and answer any questions. We will cover OAuth2 as part of this presentation. The solutions uses a freely available Dropbox account as the data exchange platform.

Submitting to the App Store – What you need to know

Mark will walk you through the process, explain what you need to prepare (and why), and what the work flow will look like. He’ll do as much as possible with a live demonstration and provide a handout and checklist for everyone. Intended audience is first time app builders who have never done this before and people looking for a refresher.

Heather LaineMark Smith